My Week with Grandma
Mommy and Daddy went on an adults only trip to the Bahamas, so I had an adventurous week with Grandma while they were gone.
News and Notes from our week by Grandma and Curtis
1 . Curtis took lots of pictures with his camera and my camera. He does a good job.
- Curtis rode his Big Wheel every day to the end of the block past the pool and sometimes further and on the good hills he would push the BW back up with his feet. He refused to pedal. I refused to carry BW except for the last trip home. He usually rode for At least 30 minutes.
- Fire alarm went off and scared us all on Tuesday. Lucy got locked in the garage. After this I only cooked with the fan on the stove. I tried to get the big ladder down out of the garage but only un-hooked one end.
- Curtis un-raveled the blind on the deck because he told me the sun was too bright. I could not get it back up and then the wind storm made it worse – sorry.
- The dogs were getting in the charcoal on the deck so I broomed it off hopefully not hurting the plants below????
- Curtis went UNDER the deck to play while I was not outside. I told him not to do that again – too dirty.
- . Curtis planted the amaryllis.
- Curtis played his fish game for hours and became quite good at it.
- Curtis loves played for many hours. I recorded a couple of really cute shows especially Word Girl. It is hysterical and he seemed to like it.
- Curtis asked for Wendy’s for dinner a few nights – poor kid.
- Early to bed and early up all week. He was often asleep by 8:10 but up before 6.
- He played in the back yard a lot and did not mind playing alone there.
- We had at least one hour of basement time EVERY DAY and he is still not tired of it.
- He ate a wide variety of food s and ate quite well.
- Lucy and Casper were great
- Curtis is fascinated with watches - wore mine a lot –wants one.
- Lucy ate some balls to the Cariboo game.
- Curtis was coughing a lot last night. Thursday
- Curtis made a valentine for Di di and Bruce and put it in their mailbox. She called to thank him
- Curtis repeatedly asked to drive places like Wendys and Walmart and to Chastity so she could cut Lillys hair. He assured me he could tell me how to drive!!
At 10:34 AM ,
Meta Megan said...
Wow - that sounds like fun! Can Grandma Curtis come to our house?
At 8:40 PM ,
molly said...
Hilarious week. Glad you all survived!
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